I took Lexapro after my husband died for a year. However like you it made me muted, sleepy non functional to the capacity that I needed to be at as a single widowed mother of three settling an unexpected estate of a young person.
With my doctors approval I went down to only 1/2 of the 10 a day and it worked like a charm.
Lexapro is an seratonen (sp) inhibitor. I helps slow down the body uptake of the seratonen in the brain when the body is taking too much at a time. It is a fairly effective and safe drug to take and is easy to come off of.
clonopin or zanax, zoloft and effexsor (sp) ALL are addicting or have BRUTAL side effects. If you can deal with the brain zaps coming off the Zoloft go for it but I would be careful jumping too fast into such hard core antidepressents.
And Tracy, I hope your doctor ran a TSH, T3 and T4 on you. Heart Palpitations are symptoms of an over active thyroid. This of course if a much different course of treatment than an antidepressent. Make sure you have a full workup before taking such difficult things for the body to adjust too.
Good Luck Ladies.