I take them irregularly, but I have some practitioner grade pills called "Probiotics Synergy" by designs for health. I got them from a friend who is a nutritionist, so I don't know where you might be able to find them in your area. I would ask your local health food store what they recommend.
I have done some different cleanses. My favorite ones are by RenewLife and you can find their products just about anywhere you find vitamins. I recommend doing probiotics for a while first and / or use the general cleanse and go slow. It will lessen the fatigue from the candida die off. Depending upon why you are wanting to take probiotics and do a cleanse there are more advanced cleanses as well that I've used with great success; Paragone and Candidagone from the RenewLife company.
Last cleanse I have done if you want to save money and don't like taking pills too much is a "Master Cleanse:"
- 2 Tbs Lemon Juice (1/2 Lemon)
- 2 Tbs Maple Syrup
- 1-2 Pinches Cayenne Pepper
- 12 Oz Warm Water
You can also add garlic oil and / or olive oil for further cleansing. This can be used as a fasting solution (you can survive for 2 weeks on this stuff!) or just have it as a meal replacement for one meal a day.