My son has had a phone for a year. We were worried about all the texting, but since he's gotten it, it has been very minimal. Yes, we've already been through girlfirend/boyfriend drama. It went NUTS once the kids got to 6th grade. I actually posted about it a month or two ago. I'm told this is normal. But, we have made it clear that the term boyfriend/girlfriend means nothing. Like I told my son, "Ya gonna go pick her up in your car and take her to a movie? No? Then it's not dating." He agrees, but the label is more of just that, a label. My son has his "girlfriend's" name on his phone/text signature and I think he and his buds sit with their respective "girlfriends" at lunch, but other than that, it's just texting, really. Now, we have made it a rule that I am allowed to pick his phone up at any time and read texts. He's completely fine with it (for now). And, I make good on it, by viewing any text that comes in ,and the phone is by me. First of all, the volume is always up so loud and my son's goal, apparently, is to find the MOST annoying ringtone in the world. So, I hit view, to get it to shut up. LOL!! Most of the time, I see "What's up?" I don't mind the texting right now, because it's benign and I have not seen any "images" of body parts. But, if I were to find those things, there would definitely be consequences. I would have texted the "stomach boy" back and let him know that was not acceptable. Unless your daughter asked for that photo, she can't be blamed for it.
The only issue I have with texting, is that it prevents these kids from actually communicating with others. I'm foreseeing some problems with that, in that this generation won't learn how to talk face to face with their peers. It's easy to hide behind a cell phone or facebook. We've seen it already, with the cyber- bullying. I guess, we will continue to do what we're doing until there's a problem. This is all new territory for us, so my laid back approach may come back to bite me in the butt, but this is my story and I'm sticking to it....for now......*shrug*