I really don't know why, a Husband and Wife HAVE TO both go to bed at the same time.
You also said that your Husband wakes you up.
So what do you mean?
He literally wakes.you.up?
Or, he just wakes you just due to his normal going to bed type noises/movements?
And how is that different than your kids, waking you due to their various sleep/health issues?
Then, even if your Husband is in bed at the same time as you, does that mean he will not wake you up? Just by the nature of someone moving around while sleeping or snoring or getting up in the middle of the night and having to go to the bathroom etc. and the sound of the toilet flushing etc.?
You, have sleep issues.
Which is not ONLY, due to your Husband's different going to bed time, than you.
Even if he did go to bed at the same time as you, you will still have sleep issues. As you said, "many nights I wake from 2-5am..." and maybe your waking at those times, also, affects his sleep quality, too?
He can dim the light on his screen on his cell phone.
Or use it before, he goes to bed in the bed.
Or he can also MUTE the sound on his cell phone so there is no audible "clicking" sounds as he clicks it.
Or, maybe you can sleep in another room.
Your sleep issues, is not because of your Husband.
Unless he is waking you up, on purpose.
You also said your Husband goes to bed "hours after me...."
So, what time do YOU, go to bed?
I mean, if so, that is way early, for an adult to go to bed.
I can see why your Husband does not go to bed at that same time as you.
He does not have to, go to bed at the SAME time as you.
And, visa versa: What if he made you go to bed at the same time, as him???????? Would you? Can you? Would you like that?
Also: you said that when your Husband goes to bed, you are "half asleep." So you are not completely sleeping yet, even when he does go to bed at his normal time, several hours after you. You have a hard time, falling asleep.
Then: even if he did... go to bed at the SAME time as you, does that mean that it will GUARANTEE, that you have a better sleep, all night, solidly, without your waking up in the middle of the night or at your usual 2-5:00am, waking???
You want sleep and to sleep all night.
But even if he was completely quiet and went to bed at the same time as you, you would still wake.... at your usual, 2-5:00am time.
And your waking at 2-5:00am, is not the "norm" for him.
So maybe you wake him too, when you do that.
And also, though you wish to sleep all night, your kids would still wake you too.
So there are MANY variables, in your not sleeping well.
And it is not only, due to your Husband.