I gave birth at a birth center with a midwife and didn't feel the need for a doula and will give birth at the same place any day now. But, since you're giving birth at a hospital, it may be in your best interest to get a doula. I did not have the opportunity for any intervention, ie. constant fetal monitoring (which can lead to increased interventions cause they get all bent out of shape if the baby's heart rate changes at all), IV's, nurses coming in asking if I want an epidural, etc. A doula can be your advocate to stop nurses from coming in, stop the use of pitocin (which is ironically not FDA approved to increase dilation), will make sure the baby is with you at all times or whatever your birth plan may be. The midwife is there to help you through the delivery (although I think an OB has to catch the baby in a hospital) and your husband is there for support as well, that should be their only jobs. The doula will be your voice when your in a very vulnerable position. If you were not in a hospital then I would say that there would be no need, but with other friends of mine that did/didn't would definitely prefer to have one in a hospital setting. Hope this helps.