Are you a guy masquerading as a woman? Or a teenager? If you were really a woman, you wouldn't be asking this question. Every woman has discharge on her underwear. Good grief.
My dd (11) has white non-smelling discharge on her underwear. I am wondering what this is. Is there anyone who can tell me?
Are you a guy masquerading as a woman? Or a teenager? If you were really a woman, you wouldn't be asking this question. Every woman has discharge on her underwear. Good grief.
Really? You're a grown woman supposedly?
Ask the dr.
Maybe she's close to getting her period?
Don't you remember stuff like this when you were that age?
Most parents know to call the child's doctor for medical questions. There is a 24/7 phone number (usually the main number) that goes to an answering service after hours for urgent questions; otherwise a nurse or the doctor will call you back during regular hours.
If there is a reason you cannot call the doctor (perhaps you are actually a teen yourself and embarrassed to tell us, or perhaps for some reason you do not have a doctor), go to the Planned Parenthood website and look for a local clinic that will either see you (often at a reduced rate) or offer free phone counseling.
Here's the link: https://www.plannedparenthood.org It should highlight clinics just based on your IP address, but if not, go to the "Get Care" section on the website and put in your info. You can also go to the "Learn" section to get educated, but that's not a substitute for an appointment.
This is your first question? Sorry, not trusting this as legit.
Ask a doctor. Get a book that teaches about woman's bodies and their reproductive system. There are a whole bunch of them at the book store or library.
I don't believe this is a legit question.
1) if you're a parent, then you are an adult who has been through puberty. You should know this already.
2) the sickest trolls are the ones obsessed with children's underwear.
3) if you're the child, ask the school nurse if you can't talk to an adult or use your computer to research signs of puberty.
This has to be a troll.
This is normal, it is part of the hormonal changes as she goes through puberty.
get lost, sicko.
Her days of the month are about to begin
Did you ask this question because you wonder if she's been molested?