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Updated on May 17, 2011
J.B. asks from Garfield, WA
14 answers

did anyone watch the night line where it should that mom who botoxed her 8 year old child? she claimed its what a lot of pageant moms do. WHAT?!?!?! im a pageant mom and i have never seen a botoxed nor have i met a mom that would consider it on their children. I am so sick over it. i could never even think about doing that to myself let alone my child. to top it off they used fake names and such. i hope this mom gets charged with something and the dr. that the mom got the botox from has their licence taken away.

Also the child has not been removed from the house since they used fake names they have not yet found them and im sure they will soon.

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So What Happened?

i cant believe this mom and im glad that the child was removed. I have never met a pageant mom that has openly said that they botox their child. i think it is rediculous that she waxes her legs. I could never wax my child. my daughter will not shave until 6th grade maybe longer my husband and i have not talked about it.

my daughter does pageants. we do our best to stick to natural ones where i can simply curl her hair and toss a sunday dress on her and be done with it. we have done a few glitzy pageants but try to stay away from them as much as possible. YES i have spray tanned my daughter but only so she doesnt pale out on the stage (this happens 2 twice a year), YES my daughter has a hair piece for an up do only worn 2 times a year. I will never buy a flipper for my daughter because 1. they are TOO expensive. 2 i dont think that pageants should care about missing teeth 3. i also think that if they dont like my daughter because of missing teeth then they need not like her.
My daughter is very much a 4 year old child. she plays in the dirt, play with her barbies/dolls, go to dance class, and have play dates with her best friend. Yes she practices for about 20 mins a day to keep her poise and such where it needs to be. we make it a game so she enjoys it. she loves pageants and we will stop when SHE chooses not to do them anymore.

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answers from Seattle on

I think pageant moms are nuts anyways...sorry. Here is a beautiful child who now has to be spray tanned, has "flappers" (those fake teeth so the child has no gaps on in her mouth), fake hair that's teased and puffed up and sprayed, shiny expensive clothes...it's all crazy. I can't believe that botox would EVER be good for a child...but I also don't think that much hairspray is good to be inhaling, or that the spray tanning chemicals are healthy for a child.
While you may think it's extreme (and I do too!) I also think a LOT of things pageant moms do are extreme.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Disgusting. Another *mother of the year* award winner.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Yeah, I saw it. I do think it was WRONG but I heard they took her child away from her and I think that is WRONG too!?

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answers from Topeka on

WOW talk about extreme poor child I bet she is beautiful no matter what fake products are used or put on her.Why can't pageants be to show your natural beauty whats with all the "fake"?These are children...

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answers from Chicago on

I saw it and was horrified. My daughter was in pagents when she was a child. I was appalled at the amount of makeup some parents used back then. When I saw this my first thought was "someone needs to take this baby away from this women" thank god someone did.

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answers from Daytona Beach on

i saw on the news this morning that the child has been removed from the mothers care.



answers from Washington DC on

As of the news yesterday, the child had been temporarily removed from the household while authorities checked out the mother.

What's even more troubling is that the mom reportedly said she is not the only "pageant parent" who does Botox on her child -- she claimed many others use it on their kids too.


answers from Dover on

I did see the interview the other night & was also horrified by it. As of yesterday, the child actually HAS been removed from the home, though. Double-check the news today.



answers from Minneapolis on

My understanding of what I saw/read online was that the girl's mother also waxed the girl's legs. Is this also a normal thing in pageantry? Just curious.

It was so bazarre and horrifying that I posted it on my FB page yesterday and asked what was wrong with some people.

What message is she sending her ALREADY beautiful daughter? I agree with removing the girl from her mother's care, if anything to show the mother the severity of her actions (let alone let this girl know that her mother's actions are NOT normal). Wow.


answers from Chicago on

Charges should be pressed on this mother for sure ... she just put poison into her daughter ON PURPOSE!



answers from New York on

I didn't see it, but I agree with all of you moms. That's disgusting. That's why our girls are so worried about "fitting in". The media and some moms, make our children feel that who they are isn't good enough or exceptable. Its a shame. I hope the mom gets some serious counseling.


answers from Detroit on

that;s here in michigan. i think it's crazy!!!!!all of it really, the false teeth, the hair dying, the make up! i understand the pageants but not all the stuff that goes into it for children. but to each her own.


answers from Dallas on

I didn't see it. What is there to botox on an 8 year old? That mom should be charged and then charged again... where is the father in this too... this is so upsetting to say the least...

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