I use to run a daycare but run a babysitting service now. I will tell you in the state of texas it is ILLEGAL to give motrin to bring town a fever. They can get fined for that.
They are allowed to give it if there is a prescription to do so. They are not allowed to administer any meds with out a prescribtion from a doctor and it has to be current.
Also in the state of Texas a child who has a fever of 100.4 or greater must go home within 2 hours. Or it is a breach of contract and they can not allow you to come back and still charge you for 2 weeks.
If she gave him medicine then of course he didnt have a fever when you picked him up. My daughter has fevers and still runs around like she has had 10 sugar cookies.
Please remember that if you childcare worker gets sick from sick kids then they miss work. which means you miss work because you have no one to watch your kid. there are laws that have to be followed.
Though i dont like the fact they are giving medicine like that when i know here it is against the law.