Daughter Severe Sinus Problems

Updated on June 22, 2010
V.C. asks from Chicago, IL
9 answers

Anyone have a young child with horrible sinus troubles. Looking for a great ENT, starting allergy testing, did CT scan.
My poor Daughter is so young for all these problems (almost 6 years). She has had ear infections from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 years old, finally got them under control now sinus are huge/inflamed, back on augmentin for 3 weeks again, along with Nasonex, Astepro, Singuliar and Xyzal. Way too many things for her poor little system.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank-you so very much for your time!!

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So What Happened?

Thank-you so very much to everyone for your support/comments. I really appreciate them, I should have said yes she gets culterelle (probiotic) everyday. She also does a Sinu cleanse everyday, I can only hope it's helping things not get worse. We have cut back dairy completely in past, no change unfortunatley, now she only has 1 cup of 1% organic milk, 1 yogurt (I mix the culterelle in it) and an occasional cheese stick.
Thank-you again for all of your imput, I really appreciate it!!!!
I have found a great ENT, and also a great herbalist, would love to try the more natural way.

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answers from Portland on

I'm going to third the food intolerance. Wheat and/or milk is probably the issue. An intolerance won't show up on allergy testing, so the only way you're going to know is if you just eliminate them for a while and see what happens. While medications may help alleviate the symptoms, they are not addressing the underlying problem. Also consider other food additives as a culprit too (preservatives and food dye are big ones).

About 80% of the body's ability to fight off illness is in the gut. Probiotics are really important to putting things back in balance after antibiotics.
Good luck and I hope you find a solution soon!

2 moms found this helpful

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answers from Las Vegas on

Have you tried taking her off of dairy? Sometimes that will help reduce or alleviate recurrent sinus problems, especially if she has a milk intollerance issue. When and if you do this, make sure that you read labels because sometimes milk is hidden in some not often thought about food products like bread and spaghetti sauce.

Rebecca's suggestion about the netti pot is a good one also. I haven't tried it but have heard that it isn't uncomfortable as I had always assumed it would be.

Also, when you give your daughter antibiotics, make sure that you follow it up with a good quality probiotic or have her eat a lot of yogurt with active live cultures to restore the balance of good bacteria in her digestive tract.

You may already know this already but wanted to share this just in case . . .

Hope you find a good doctor in your area and your daughter feels better soon.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

I took my son to see Sue Busen. It is an all natural way to find out what their little bodies are "sensitive" to...not technically allergic. My 6 year old no longer takes any meds because she helped sooo much and it is all natural so you really have nothing to lose!
Her website is http://www.tapintobalance.com/
Let me know if you need more info. I would really look into this. It was a night and day difference and I was VERY skeptical!



answers from Chicago on

As a pediatric Chiropractor I work with drug-free solutions for Kids that have these issues. I can give you more information if you would like or you can find one near you at www.icpa4kids.org.



answers from Chicago on

We go to Dr. Robert Miller at Children's Memorial Hospital ###-###-####).



answers from Houston on

I second the removal of dairy if she is having any. Took my daughters off of it years ago and we have NO MORE sinus problems in our house. So much cheaper not having to buy all those medicines anymore, and, they are so much happier! My father finally removed dairy in his 40's, and, it cleared his problems, and, he is the one I got the idea from. He read it in a world news magazine years ago. Now that they are older and problems are cleared, they can tolerate string cheese and some yogurts. But, I buy only items made with skim milk, or, in small quantities. We don't drink milk in our house. Good luck!



answers from New York on

You can get saline sprays that act similarly to the netti pot (might be easier for a kid to deal with). I have bad sinuses and I didn't think nasonex helped me much. I eventually had surgery as an adult but only real sudafed helps me with congestion. Good luck. I'd recommend an ENT but you are too far away from NJ for it to help.



answers from Portland on


I have a friend who swears by a Netty Pot, it looks like a tea pot, but it allows you to poor warm water into the sinus cavity. Since it's just water, it cleans it out without harming the tissue. The only issue is will your little one allow you to do it.

I've seen them at most drug stores.

R. Magby



answers from Chicago on

My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed last year because of issues she had. The home healthcare nurse that was assigned to us suggested that her problems may have stemmed from dairy and wheat allergy. (Information that NO doctor ever told us, that I gladly would have addressed before subjucting her to surgery.) She no longer has any stuffyness, or problems breathing, but if I had to do it over again...
Also, some people suggested the netti pot...I use one for my allergies, but I read recently that it should not be over-used as this can cause your nose to no longer work properly as the filter it is supposed to be.

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