Hi R.,
I too have dealt with sinus issues all my life. I just recently, at 35 years old, found out mine ARE due to allergies causing the chronic sinusitis. I actually have been through 2 sinus washouts in my life. Once at 18, and once 2 months ago. It was after the second surgery that the ENT had me allergy tested. (it was a different doctor then the one who did the first surgery.)
You need to see an ENT. Chronic sinusitis is a symptom of something else. It doesn't just happen. Chronic sinusitis occurs when, for one reason or another, the sinus cavities fill with fluid and can't drain. Mucus forming in our cavities is normal. It's a normal physiological reaction to getting a cold or allergies etc... But when they can't drain (or drain improperly) then bacteria builds up and you end up with sinusitis. Chronic is just that it happens over and over and over and over again with really no relief.
For some reason your sinuses seem to be draining the wrong way. They are not supposed to drain into your ears. Obviously. Since our 'balance' is mainly regulated by an area in or near our ears (I can't quite remember) it is no surprise that you are experiencing vertigo. A good ENT should be able to investigate the root cause of the problem and suggest a solution.
I'm not surprised the chiropractic appointment caused the issue to return. Chiropractic facial adjustments help open up your passages so things can drain. You must have had some mucus that was lodged and the adjustment allowed it to drain, but since your sinuses don't drain properly ... vertigo again.
The anxiety is not surprising either. You have a 2 year old son! You most likely don't sleep super well, and he runs around all day wearing you out... plus you work part time. Lack of sleep and rest can make any problem look much much bigger then it is.
Try not to worry until you have all the facts. Find a good ENT, take your allergy report and your history and see what they say.
Acupuncture certainly could help dry up the mucus. If there is no mucus to drain, then you SHOULDN'T get the vertigo. You could also try something like claritin to dry up the mucus. But, I would only use that until you see the ENT and find the root cause. You need to know why your sinuses are draining into your ears. That is not normal.
An ENT will most likely order a CT of your head as well, just an FYI.
Good luck! I know how having sinus issues all your life goes. It is HORRIBLE! I really hope you find answers.