Sinus Problems and Anxiety

Updated on May 15, 2009
R.F. asks from Tecumseh, MI
19 answers

I have been dealing with sinus problems, basically my whole life. But since my son was about 6 months old, I have had periods of time where I have major sinus issues. Its not so much pressure or pain, but I have problems where my sinuses drain into my ears, which creates an imbalance, and I suffer from severe dizziness. I have been tested for everything under the sun, and that's what we have figured out (which makes a lot of sense, because when I have it I also have ear pressure and can actually feel the fluid in my ear). I went to an allergy/asthma specialist, who did testing and determined that I do NOT have any allergies, but chronic sinusitis. He started me on a neti pot and nasal spray, and for about a month I felt great--no dizziness, no issues--I actually felt GOOD, which is rare when I have a 2 year old that doesn't like to sleep much! then one day my chiropractor "massaged" my sinuses, and ever since then the problems are back. The most concerning is the dizziness, because it just throws everything off. I am making a follow up appt. with the allergist, who said we would do a CT scan of my sinuses if it didn't get better, so hopefully we will be able to figure something out (he mentioned there was a possibility of pollops)-but right now the whole situation provokes immense anxiety in me--not knowing what's wrong, wondering if its something more serious (cancer, etc. because that's right where my thoughts lead). I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue, and how it turned out...thanks!

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answers from Detroit on

Someone else briefly mentioned this too--if you are having dizziness, it could be inner ear and there are things an ENT can do to remedy it pretty easily. It's worth a try, they do a series of head movements that can help restore balance by shifting around the contents of the inner ear. It sounds strange but really works, and its non-invasive.



answers from Detroit on

I have chronic dizziness off and on, but I've been told that an ear/nose/throat doc can do a correction in the office that may rid me of it, so that will be my next step. Meantime, I take a generic claritin daily and pseudophredrin hydrachloride if I'm having an episode. Bother of these things have helped. I've never really had the allergy tests but the dizziness drives me batty. I also drink a lot of water when it happens and that seems to be important too. Good luck! I can't imagine that it's cancer. Please don't worry about that!

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answers from Detroit on

My husband had sinus problems since he was little. It got worse the older he gets. We finely figured out he's gluten intolerant and allergic to wheat. A little while after getting off gluten his sinuses cleared up, and headaches went away. I'd suggest reading The gluten connection...long Sheri Liberman. It had more info than I learned from my allergist about allergies & intolerance's to food.

If you have to have a ct you might want to try rescue remedy for the anxiety.

And I love the neti pot it's a great way to help improve your health. I add tee tree oil and GSE oil 2-3 drops each to help prevent a cold.

A. H
Good luck.

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answers from Kalamazoo on

My husband suffered from chronic sinusitis for over 30 years and was on and off antibiotics and nasal sprays all the time. Nothing had a lasting effect. Like you, he was tested for allergies and even took allergy shots. I understand what you are going through.

Have you been tested for gluten and dairy intolerance and/or candida? Once my husband eliminated all gluten and dairy from his diet, his nose cleared and he has been both clear and med free for a year and a half. Check out the website about sinus survival (there's a book by the same name which is very informative and helpful).

Your diet could hold the key to your sinus issues.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Grand Rapids on

R., why don't you try acuputure. I may help and it is wonderful. I also helps more than one problem in a session. It can help with anxiety and sinusitis at the same time. It is ususally not covered by insurance unless you have a flex may take 3-4 sessions for relief...but it is amazing how good you can feel. Try it and thank you. L.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Kalamazoo on

Hi, R.. I could have been reading my life story! I started having problems in 1984 (I am 56) and was so ill once that I was hospitalized for nine days. I go to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. He helped me a lot and he explained that "chronic" sinusitis is a whole different animal than just a bought of a sinus infection. He would treat me with antibiotics for thirty days! Any shorter than that and the infection would just return. I still struggle with it but since having sinus surgery in 2002 I get sick infrequently because basically, he reamed out my sinus passages so fluid doesn't end up trapped, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. I would not have the Chiropractor maniupulate anything on my body! Coming from a medical background, (Resp. Therapist for 25 years) I don't have a lot of respect for them. Basically they have a Bachlors, hopefully in the sciences and notin the Arts and go to two more years of intensive Chiropractic training. Their philosophy is that EVERY illness can be attributed to the spine! Anyway,
I also had an Alergist and even took shots every week for a couple of years. I am allergic to mold, cat & dog dander and pollen. I take a daily tablet of Zyrtec which helps a lot. I would see a ENT for your chronic sinusitis, sooner rather than later. I know how much you have suffered because I've BEEN THERE! Denise K.



answers from Detroit on

It is interesting that the problems re-emerged after the chiropractic appt. I have read that chronic sinus problems are often remedied by the by the realignment of the upper cervical vertebrae (c1,c2), along with cranial sacral therapy. I think I would try to find a chiropractor who specializes in this. I know of one in Ferndale, and I think there is another one in the Ann Arbor area.

Good luck on your journey!



answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi R.:

When I was in my 30's we returned from the Palama Canal Zone where my husband had been stationed in the l0lst Infantry to Michigan. I developed severe sinus problems...terrible pain. About the same time I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Non of the medical protocol helped so I turned to a nutritional approach. I
was introduced to Shaklee Food Supplements (a 50+ Co. in Calif.) and started on the basic program plus alfalfa
which helps with inflamation. So I was told to take 6 3x a day which isn't much...we don't count the peas on our plate!! (smile) Anyhow, to my amazement, after being on the alfalfa for a while my sinuses cleared up and haven't been a problem since...of course, I continue on Shaklee food supplements just to be healthy. If you would like some information, please let me know....There are two other products that people have had wonderful results with helping their sinus condition. All Shaklee products area made from nature alone..always safe, always pure and always work. l00% money back guarantee so there is no risk in trying. They are FOOD supplements not chemicals vitations. No chemical additives, preservatives, artifial colors etc.

You have my sympathy because I know what sinus pain is.
Hard to be a happy mommy when suffering with sinus pain. I think any pain in the head kind of is the worse as you feel badly all over, it seems.

Have a great day.

Warm regards,
Ruth S.



answers from Saginaw on

Hello R., Pollops are non-cancerous growths, and can be easily removed IF you have them. The good news is that you don't have allergies, as that would make the situation harder to treat. Simply putting tubes in your ears could relieve the pressure, hopfully stopping all dizziness. Relax, because our body heals much faster when we worried all of the time. Stress, stresses us out! LOL. Good luck.



answers from Detroit on

I know exactly where you're coming from. Sinusitis runs in my family. In fact, my mom and sister both have pollops in their noses, both have sinus problems, and anxiety. I agree with the other posters, you need to see an ENT doctor. Also, I wanted to add something that was not mentioned in the other posts: Chronic sinusitis can cause snoring which leads to sleep problems. So, when you get up in the morning, you haven't gotten a good night's sleep, which with caring for a 2 year old little boy, can surely cause anxiety, no doubt. I've found that elevating the head of the mattress helps a little with this. Get yourself the medical help you need to correct this problem. Any surgery that improves the quality of your life is worth it.




answers from Detroit on

Hi R.,

I too have dealt with sinus issues all my life. I just recently, at 35 years old, found out mine ARE due to allergies causing the chronic sinusitis. I actually have been through 2 sinus washouts in my life. Once at 18, and once 2 months ago. It was after the second surgery that the ENT had me allergy tested. (it was a different doctor then the one who did the first surgery.)

You need to see an ENT. Chronic sinusitis is a symptom of something else. It doesn't just happen. Chronic sinusitis occurs when, for one reason or another, the sinus cavities fill with fluid and can't drain. Mucus forming in our cavities is normal. It's a normal physiological reaction to getting a cold or allergies etc... But when they can't drain (or drain improperly) then bacteria builds up and you end up with sinusitis. Chronic is just that it happens over and over and over and over again with really no relief.

For some reason your sinuses seem to be draining the wrong way. They are not supposed to drain into your ears. Obviously. Since our 'balance' is mainly regulated by an area in or near our ears (I can't quite remember) it is no surprise that you are experiencing vertigo. A good ENT should be able to investigate the root cause of the problem and suggest a solution.

I'm not surprised the chiropractic appointment caused the issue to return. Chiropractic facial adjustments help open up your passages so things can drain. You must have had some mucus that was lodged and the adjustment allowed it to drain, but since your sinuses don't drain properly ... vertigo again.

The anxiety is not surprising either. You have a 2 year old son! You most likely don't sleep super well, and he runs around all day wearing you out... plus you work part time. Lack of sleep and rest can make any problem look much much bigger then it is.

Try not to worry until you have all the facts. Find a good ENT, take your allergy report and your history and see what they say.

Acupuncture certainly could help dry up the mucus. If there is no mucus to drain, then you SHOULDN'T get the vertigo. You could also try something like claritin to dry up the mucus. But, I would only use that until you see the ENT and find the root cause. You need to know why your sinuses are draining into your ears. That is not normal.

An ENT will most likely order a CT of your head as well, just an FYI.

Good luck! I know how having sinus issues all your life goes. It is HORRIBLE! I really hope you find answers.



answers from Detroit on


I am so sorry to hear you are going through what I suffered with for many years until 8 weeks ago!!! I do however have allergies, but because of the allergies and using over the counter sinus pills and over the counter Nasal Sprays I developed Nasal pollops and a tumor the size of a golf ball in my left maxillary sinus under/behind my left eye!
My Wonderful allegist (who I found in January of this year), who is also and Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist/Surgeon ordered a CT scan, and found the problem. I underwent endoscopic sinus surgery on March 18th (which was a breeze, in and out of the hopital in 6 hours) and I have been feeling like a new person ever since!!!
The pollops and tumor were benign (I was scared about cancer too). I now can breath for the 1st time in probably 10 years! Have the CT scan and get the problem fixed, it is not worth suffering like you have been.

I did the whole thing with the chiropractor too, which just made it worse for me also! I should have just gone to the specialist from the start.

Good luck and God Bless you,

L. M.
Dearborn Heights, Michigan



answers from Detroit on

I had never had any problems with allergies or sinus-related issues until after having my first child (11 years ago!) Like you, around my daughter's 6-month mark, I developed sinus problems.

My first doctor decided I had allergies despite never having them before. He prescribed me allegra-D but it didn't work for me so then it was claritin, and that didn't work either. His only reasoning behind my sudden allergies was that my body changed the way it works in this manner after having my daughter.

I switched doctors and she noticed I had a deviated septum and said it could be a cause for my sinus sensitivity and inadequate drainage. I was supposed to have a sinus CT but I haven't done that yet. I get migraines from the sinus pressure as well. She gave me flonase to keep my sinuses moist and help me with the sensitivity symptoms. I only use it as needed and it works well for me. I usually only have problems with fresh cut lawn. Right now I just live with my symptoms as they are manageable with the flonase. My doctor said if I feel I can't manage anymore, I can get the sinus CT when I'm ready and go from there or she can refer me to an ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor which would be more helpful than an allergist since I have no true past history of allergies.

I believe for me, my deviated septum is causing my chronic sinusitis. Without adequate drainage and proper airflow, my sinuses get very dry, build up pressure and eventually my body reacts. Someday I may get the CT but right now I'm happy with using the flonase as needed only because surgery is not at the top of my list unless absolutely needed.

I would recommend seeing an ENT doctor though. It's good to see someone that specializes instead of just has a general background in something. The CT scan is a good idea as well since it would show if you have a deviated septum and/or if it's polyps.

Good luck and hope to hear an update!!



answers from Detroit on

Hi R., My name is K.. I'm sorry for what is happening. It must be miserable for you. The best I can do to help is pray to Jesus for you. He's the best Dr. I know. I pray He puts His healing hands on you. God Bless.



answers from Jackson on

I understand what you are going through! When I was pregnant with my now 13 year old my nose started to run- and it didn't stop! I have been through many Dr.'s and specialists. I started with an allergist, but when we figured out I didn't have allergies, there wasn't anything else he could do for me. I went to an ENT(ear, nose and throat), who found my pollups, and did a surgery to remove them. I didn't fully recover from surgery and they were already growing back!! He sent me to a sinus specialist at U of M. That is when things changed for me. I just had my second surgery, but he was able to put it off for 4 years! I have had many more good days than bad days, and because they see these issues so much more often than allergists, they have more tricks to help you deal with it. My advice is to try to see a ENT, and then if possible/necssary a sinus specialist-they work wonders!



answers from Detroit on

I use apple cider vinegar for sinus infections. It works within 2 days for me. You can google the health benefits of applecider vinegar. Also check out this link on it....



answers from Saginaw on

Hi R.!

I'm wondering if it is something in your home that is causing the problem. Sometimes it's the chemicals in our homes that do this. I work for a wonderful team who partner up with a great company who offers "green" things for your home! Better for you, and your family!
And the best thing R., is we work right at home with our kids by our sides!
Let me know if I can help you!
Love, L.



answers from Detroit on

Try the Netty (ie) Pot. You can get it at the drug store. It won't cure your sinus propblems, but it will greatly improve and clean out your sinus cavities.



answers from Detroit on

Have you seen an ENT surgeon. It sounds as if you may benefit from sinus washout if you do have chronic sinusitis.

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