At church yesterday, I gave my five year old son our envelope to place in the collection basket. He was looking around and said (quite loudly), "Where is that mailman?" The people in the pew in front of us could not stop laughing.
T. Y
Last night after playing in the snow, DS and I decided to bring a snowball in for Daddy. Hubs put it on the balcony so it wouldn't melt. He happened to put it on a planter. This morning DS asked about it, and I said I would show it to him. He was pleased it didn't melt overnight. He asked that I put it back in the planter though, so it might grow like a strawberry does.
Any cute confusion from your kids recently?
F. B.
At church yesterday, I gave my five year old son our envelope to place in the collection basket. He was looking around and said (quite loudly), "Where is that mailman?" The people in the pew in front of us could not stop laughing.
T. Y
I was teaching a kindergarten art class for our art goes to school program. At the end of class the kids had to vote on which print they liked best. I handed out the pencils and voting sheets to the first child seated in each row and said "take one and pass to your neighbor". One child raised his hand with a confused look on his face and said "my neighbors aren't here"
My youngest commented that I must be such a great cook (I'm not) because I used to be a waitress. I had to explain to her the servers don't cook the food in restaurants. She was stunned.
When my son was little, we faced the same dilemma as other Jewish families, namely how to explain that Santa doesn't come to our house without telling him there was no Santa and having him be the one to ruin things for Christian kids. So we just said that Santa knows not to come, or Santa could see the Jewish items in our home, etc. One December day, we were driving down a main drag in town, and our son announced that he could tell which houses were Jewish and which were not. I asked him to explain, and he pointed to the chimney guards that some homeowners had installed to keep animals from going down the chimney. He said, "See, Mom? Those houses have Santa Caps so they must be Jewish homes."
My mother in law tells a funny story from her childhood.
Her older sister told her that if you bury a chicken heart a chicken will grow! So their mother gave them a chicken heart they planted it in the vegetable garden. the next day, there was a chicken feather "growing" out of the ground! MIL believed it for a long time..