I have not had children while being divorced but I have been divorced. To answer your question since I've had friend with children get divorced, he can't just take her and if you are seeking taking care of her you need to come to an agreement or the Judge will. I see a website you may at least want to look at the more information you have the better understand and knowledge of such at step in life that will be very changing for both of you (all of you). Check out some of Cobb County's paper work like if you did it yourself but if you have an attorney he'd do it but seeing that paperwork will give you a better idea of what goes on during a divorce and it has instructions which is very educational on divorce. The website is http://lawlibrary.cobbcountyga.gov/forms.htm it's very informative of the process. I'm sorry he's not wanting to work on things more and I wish you the best during this very difficult time. Sorry I don't know of an attorney other then seeing if you can get help from Cobb County Legal Aide and I do know one thing you cannot share an attorney and expect him/her to represent both of you know on will do it because they can't and it wouldn't be in your best interest. I would get a jump on what he is saying he can and can't do however call Legal Aide asap before he tries to have a jump on the process. My prayers are with you.