Yes! I have the same issue! I have a friend who actually wound up diagnosed with PMDD and put on antidepressants (I think?) and that helped her a lot. She felt a lot more in control of things--not just her appetite. She only took the meds part time, I think. I'm not sure how it worked, but your doc would know.
That said...I saw lots of "eat in moderation" and "do single serving" type stuff, which, for me, doesn't cut it--I KNOW to eat in moderation; during PMS, I CAN'T. What kind of sort of works for me, though, is knowing my foe--can you leave the house? Find something to do, perhaps that involves other people and not eating? I know if I either have a LOT to do at home (which is stressful) or if I'm out and about, doing productive things, I am a bit less inclined to sit at home and think about what I'm hungry for. For me, it does help not to have those things around; even if I stop for a candy bar at the gas station, it's still better than having a bag of chocolate chips at home and downing them over the course of 4 days. Could you volunteer somewhere with baby? Plan to run errands when you know your period is due? Make play dates?
Good luck...I wish I had better answers!