I am so sorry you have to deal with this, both a scary allergy and the assanine school and parents out there. It is unbelievable how thoughtless and insensitive people are these days. I mean--how hard is it to leave the pb at home! I do not know of strictly peanut free grammar schools, but hopefully that will change now with the death of this poor child, it is sad that a death has to happen before people take it seriously. Right now most CPS schools just have you put an IEP in place and then your kid eats at a separate table, which is a joke because of course kids move throughout the class during the day and it is not fair your son has to be alienated at lunchtime. Have you looked into private school? Many times the private schools are not as held down my all the red tape and can set their own policies. CPS has a huge bureaucracy as I am sure you are aware, and a lot of the time the important things are lost--like not being able to have his epipen on him or in the classroom. That is stupid--an epipen only works one time anyway. It is not as if your child will be going around randomly sticking people! It should be held by whatever adult is in the room at all times. I know the private schools can be expensive, but I would look into them if you can, see if you qualify for assistance if needed for tuition. You could consider home schooling, but the fact that you would have to home school because your son has an allergy is really stupid, when it could so easily be prevented at school. I can't tell you how angry it makes me to read stuff like this--I hope not one inconsiderate parent will post here with their ridiculous argument of their child's "right" to eat peanut butter. Gosh, if you can't tell your kids no to a simple food like peanut butter, what kind of a spoiled brat are you raising anyway? I wish I had more info for you--I feel for you and that poor family that lost their child. Just keep advocating for your child and teaching him about his allergy as best you can.