Cowboys and Horses Unbreakable???

Updated on March 19, 2010
D.S. asks from Katy, TX
4 answers

My son is just about 2 and loves cowboys and horses. I have 2 problems with this He had broken every cowboy almost that I have bought him too. I buy what seems to be tough but he is hard on his toys. Second problem I have is usually I can find the horses but the cowboys to sit on them are hard to come up with and he gets very upset if his cowboy doesn't sit on his horse. I have found some I think would work but they have little pieces and he still sticks things in his mouth. Any ideas for cowboys and horses that are 2 yr old strong without little pieces to swallow??? He breaks the hats off the hands off the arms legs and everything else. HELP PLEASE

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So What Happened?

still trying to find the toy story cowboys and horses. Still on a horse and cowboy hunt but thanks for the suggestions. it helped alot of which direction to go and what to look for.

More Answers



answers from San Francisco on

ouch! They have mini sheriff woody dolls at Target. Maybe that would work.

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answers from Fayetteville on

The Toy Story Woody dolls are great. I think they even came out with a Bullet horse this year to go with it. They aren't cheap but he will love them and it will cost less than replacing those expensive figures.
Also, try making him a cowboy costume to wear instead and a stick horse. You can find easy diy ideas on-line or you can email me and I will try to send you directions on how I made mine. Have fun!

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answers from San Diego on

ironically... the Toystory toys.

Woody and the horse... they're fabric, and so not only tough, but eminently repairable.

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answers from Honolulu on

you could try E-bay and do a search. Just do a Google search.

The thing is, he is young, and at this age... they break things. And those horse/cowboy toys are breakable... not made for toddlers or babies, because of the small pieces that can and do break off. So its not age appropriate for him. Toys like that, usually say on the box "not for children under 3 years of age" etc.

Fisher Price makes a line called "Little People." But I don't know if they have cowboys/horses. And, for this age group... the horse/cowboy will not look realistic... but like a toddler toy. So I don't know if it will still appeal to him. He probably likes the one's that look "real." Or they will look like plush toys.

Or try to find wooden toys... and they will be clunkier in looks and design, without fine parts to break off.

If he keeps breaking things off.... then make sure you know of a place that has lots of cowboys/horses, so you can buy more and replace what he broke. That will get expensive.

I know its not easy... but at this age... be real careful of small pieces... because yes, they stick it in their mouth.

Here's a cute horse, & "rodeo" type toys, but breakable, not for a 2 year old per say:

All the best,

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