Is this for real? Take a test...to all people who ask this question, there is no way we can answer this question!!!
I got my period last month on the 5th & I was having unprotective sex from the 13-25 I was recieving alot of pregnancy symptoms .. On the 7th of this month I started recieving light bleeding that night .. I dont knw if its a period or not ! Im always hungry , tired , my chest are a lil sore .. I get out of breath fast , I just started get'n cramping , my legs &feet be hurt'n & I be having a lil backache
Is this for real? Take a test...to all people who ask this question, there is no way we can answer this question!!!
Any time someone asks me if they could be pregnant and somewhere in the story they say they had unprotected sex, I don't care what the symptoms are. My response is always, "YES YOU COULD BE PREGNANT." All of the symptoms you listed are symptoms of ovulating as well as oncoming menstruation or pregnancy. So your symptoms don't mean a thing.
If your period is late, then take a pregnancy test or call your OB and have them give you a pee-on-a-stick test AND take blood for a pregnancy blood test.
Only one way to find out - take a test.
Did you have unprotected sex? Then...... it is very possible that you are. No one on this site will be able to answer this question for you. Wait a week, pee on a stick and you should have your answer.
Good Luck
Chuckle. Yes you could be pregnant but then again you may not be. Those are not all the usual symptoms of pregnancy. Have you tried using a home pregnancy test? The ones at the Dollar store are just a dollar and as accurate as the more expensive ones.
Are you concerned about being pregnant? If you don't want to be pregnant some of those symptoms can be caused by anxiety.
Yes, you could. If you had unprotected sex for 12 days, yes---you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test and see. Although your symtoms wouldn't be from the potential pregnancy at this early stage. Call your doctor and see if they can see you this week for your symptoms and a pregnancy test. In the mean time, get a test yourself for peace of mind. Good Luck!
Unfortunately symptoms of pregnancy are very similar to those of getting your period. The symptoms you describe could be either one. Most people don't take a lot of notice to the symptoms they get before their period comes until they have had unprotected sex, and then suddenly these symptoms seem to jump out at them. Unfortunately it could mean you are pregnant or it could mean you are about to get your period. The only way to know is to take a pregnancy test.
If in doubt do a first response pregnancy test.