No, we don't know you. Perhaps it is best that we don't. Did you not go to the sex ed classes in junior/high school about reproduction?
We get these questions all the time from people who "think:" they know it all and they don't. We are not stupid, we have lived a life and are still living a life. You are clueless. You say we are rude, we are not we are honest and to the point. If you are going to have sex get protection and use it all the time.
I will tell you like I told my kids (male and female) if this is not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, DON'T HAVE SEX WITH THEM." My son didn't quite listen and he has hell to pay for his "one night stand," who is now 17.
Have children when you can reasonably afford them like in your 30s.
the other S.
PS Go to the clinic for a follow up check up to see if you are pregnant. If you are not, count your blessings and protect yourself.