their is a company called cryo banking(pretty sure that is the name i will double check though and let you know), you have the option to have your babies blood banked or to donate it. i couldnt afford to bank it as blood banking is expensive, i donated my daughters cord blood for the soul purpose to help children that may need it one day. it is a great alternitive if you decide to not bank blood, not only is the cells going to save someones life one day but it is also better then it being thrown away. If you donate it, the company will send you all the stuff you need, just give it your ob with the instructions and they will take care of it from their, and best thing, their is no fee to you to donate it, it is completely free and your info will be confidential, the company will not sell your name to any 3rd party. if you dont bank the blood, i highly recommend you donate it. hope this helps and i will send you a pm on the exact name and if you like let me know if you are interested in their phone number and website and will get that to you as soon as i can. hope this helps