I debated over the whole cord blood issue with both of my pregnancies. When I was pregnant with my first (born at the end of 2003), my obgyn was about 50/50 on whether she herself would do it if she were me. So I decided against it. When I was pregnant with my second she told me that she would probably do it now ( I had my son in February of 2006). She said that there isn't a lot they can do with it now but the future implications for treatment of different diseases using cord blood is great. Things like heart problems, Alzheimer�s, and diabetes are a few of the things that they are hoping cord blood might be able to help. Also, it could be used for the child or maybe a close family member depending on compatibility.
Anyways, I decided to bank my second child's blood (I actually made the decision 2 weeks before I delivered :) ). It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. A little less than $2000 for the original storage and about $125/year after that.
I had narrowed it down to CBR and Viacord. In the end, I chose CBR. I had a friend at church who is in the medical research field and she banked with CBR (she had a bunch of reasons why she thought they were better, too many to list here) and I liked their storage location better.
Hopefully that helps. I know that it can be a bit overwhelming when looking at the banks. Especially since they all pretty much look the same when you get their information :)
Finally, CBR does have a referral program. If you decide to use them and you felt that my information played a part of your decision please let me know and I'll give you my information to give to them for referral.
Either way, good luck making the decision. I know it's a lot to figure out especially at the end of your pregnancy!