I just bought The Sneaky Chef on Amazon, and my son has his moments with food...I just like the ideas and the innovation behind it.
Good Luck@@
Do you know of any good cookbooks for toddlers? I have an 18 mo old, and I need to add more variety to his diet. I was giving him baked chicken and veggies a lot. My husband travels a lot, and I don't eat very much, so I am mainly cooking dinner for him. He isn't very picky.
Also, I have very little cooking ability and a newborn baby. So I need quick easy recipes.
I just bought The Sneaky Chef on Amazon, and my son has his moments with food...I just like the ideas and the innovation behind it.
Good Luck@@
Hi Sarah,
I don't have any great recipes to share, but wanted to make a brief comment...if your 18 mo. old is not a picky eater, I suggest taking advantage of it and exposing him to all types of food. My daughter, now 16, eats everything and I love the fact that she tries everything...
Her favorite food growing up was chicken and fish. She loves salmon, which is easy to make... I go to Vons, have them put on their lemon/garlic seasoning (at the fresh seafood counter) and then just stick it on the foreman grill.
Also, orange roughy - I buy it at Trader Joes, season it, and will slice zuchnni, carrot sticks onions and tomoatoes and place it on top. Then I stick it in a piece of foil, wrap it tent style and pop it in the oven... you make them individually, so a 1-person meal is easy and it's not fish. (she has always loved cooked onions... strange, but I literally fed her every type of food)
Good luck
SANDRA LEE! She has some really easy meals in all of her cookbooks. I have 2 she did for the slow cooker and another that almost all of the meals are prepped in about 30 minutes. My family loves it!
Also, "the petit appetit Cookbook" by Lisa Barnes covers infants and toddlers (introducing solids through 4 years - or as long as you like).
The Super Babyfood diet is good and most of my mom friends used it.
I have "First Meals" by Annabel Karmel, I have used quite a few of the recipes and my kids sometimes like them. There is a good variety of foods and recipes, not just chicken. Hope you enjoy it.
If you have access to the internet, I would suggest looking up weelicious.com that lists many toddler and baby food recipes and includes great photos of the desired end product/meal. I've made several of the recipes (spinach cheese balls, fish/veggie puree, lentils, etc.) and they've all pretty much been hits with my 18 mo old son.
Someone else has probably already mentioned it by now, but Deceptively Delicious is a great "sneaky" way to add more veggies to everyday foods. I have the book, but I don't have a food processor yet so I have not tried any of the recipes yet.
Try this website; http://www.wholesometoddlerfood.com/
We were big fans of the annabel karmel food at that age, she has a website that always has new recipes and always has new books out.
Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld:
Cookbook for Healthy Kids (Jerry Seinfeld's wife)
Hi Sarah,
I see that you got many good suggestions for books already. You might be overlooking how much children learn from our eating habits. If you don't "eat very much" I think it will be much harder to get variety into your son's diet. Maybe you use this time to start making some new things that both of you will enjoy together.
Blessings, S.
I second wholesometoddlerfood.com and for when your new baby is ready for solids wholesomebabyfood.com :)
with my daughter whos 2 i cook things for a couple days at a time. with veggies i split up a can over 4 meals and i use 2 servings of veggies a day. heres a basic day of meals for my daughter-
waking up- cup of milk and vitamin.
breakfast- cereal, oat meal, fruit cup applesauce cup and kids yogurt cup, eggs, pancakes or waffles with a little syrup. to drink juice.
lunch- pb and j (1/2 sandwhich), 3 chicken nuggets, 1/2 grilled cheese, 1/2 a hamberger pattie, 1/2 a meat sandwhich (ham or turkey). *lunch is always served with a veggie and another side - fries, pretzels, raisens, string cheese, animal crackers and to drink she gets low salt v8.
dinner- usually its whatever we eat. but if we are eating later i give her chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, baked chicken etc. she gets a veggie and milk to drink.
i hope this helps. if your son isnt really picky like you said just feed him whatever you want and try new things :)
www.amazon.com has some great selections.
AND you can read the reviews on them too, and they often have free shipping.
Just put in the search words "cookbooks for toddlers."
Good luck,