I work from home - recently started a great business - selling discounted health care, dental,chiropractic, vision
1st - to become Independent Business Owner - on your time - only $20 to start and $300 in gas cards until 7/31 - you get more than $20 in marketing products to get you started plus $50 in g.c. for more, 5 websites and $2,500 death and dismemberment coverage - for $50/month they give you dental plus for household - dental, chiro, vision and prescription - discounts all care for you - best parts - your dental plus is part of business now and totally tax deductible -I love that! also, business sellable and willable - so if you build up and get out - sell - if you stay forever you will continued income to kids - I love that too! 16 y.o. company is very legit and you're selling what people need during crappy economy and health care crisis in nation (not some crazy $3,000 time share people don't need and can't really afford) - all very affordable!
2nd - if you need it I can sign you as member - price depends on what you need but from $14.94 to $59.95/month for household (last one also includes auto club, identity theft assistance and legal)- starts day you join - can have existing issue - will even discount things like braces, crowns, ...
let me know if you have any interest - and if you join/become IBO and send me someone else who does also - I'll send $300 for you and $300 for hubby for gas
person who you refer also gets $300 gas cards