Competitive Drive

Updated on November 20, 2006
H.B. asks from Flower Mound, TX
4 answers

When does a child start getting competitive drive??? My daughter is in sport. She does good. But she doesn't seem to want to do extra things to get better. She's 8. Is she too young to have that yet?? Is that part of their personality??? Or are we in the wrong sport? She loves doing it?? Help I don't understand, when I ask her to do the the extra things, sometimes she'll do it and others she throws a fit??

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answers from Dallas on

I think the competitive drive might be something that each child is born with, or without. I am not a competitive person by nature. I played soccer at age 8/9 and just enjoyed it for what it was worth. I went to practice each week, did the drills and came home and put the ball up... If we won, we won - if not, I moved on...

Now, I can't say the same about my 4.5 yr old. She is extremely competitive and has been so for as long as I can remember. She does not like to be last, does not like to lose, and is determined to be heard when she has something to say. As much as I think it is a good thing, there are times that it is equally challenging, especially when she is at school and an outcome does not turn out as she would like.

Sounds like your daughter just likes to play soccer, just to play. It also is more than likely not the thing in her life that she has to be a literal winner & the absolute best every time she participates in a game. I wouldn't push it too much at this point, especially if she is doing it because she wants to play soccer and chose to do so on her own.


answers from Dallas on

It sounds as though she is just doing it for fun. Not everyone has a competetive drive, unless they are in something they are absolutely passionate about.



answers from Dallas on

I have a 7 year old son and it's the same thing. My DH says that aggression is just something they have... you HATE to lose and you WANT to win.. others just do it because their parents signed them up for the sport and they dont want to let them down. I think there's enough competition in everything nowadays in society ... especially later in sports and such... just let her have a good time... competitiveness will come ... I'm not the aggressive type but I AM competitive... once they really understand and can really appreciate a sport, then they can GROW into being a competitive player...but you just can't make someone aggresive... esp in sports... don't push her... just let her do it and have fun... that's the most important part! :) she may say she loves it for fear of letting YOU down if you've expressed that it's important or that you like her doing it or something... that's what my son did so I got him now into cub scouts and gymnastics.... I did this so that he'd gain more confidence in himself and his own abilities...and I'll sign him up for more competitive sports when he has that competitive edge... he likes T-ball.... it's kinda a team and an individual type thing at the same time... my kiddo never throws fits so I can't help you there... lol... don't know if that's a girl thing (drama)... I ahve 2 boys! lol Good luck! :)



answers from Dallas on

My 8 year old son just started playing select football this year as an offensive lineman. At first he was somewhat passive and lost his starting position and that made him decide that he had to be more aggressive. He loves football he watches it on Tv, he plays constantly, plays it on xbox, or is at practice which is pratically everyday of the week. Football is not something we push him to do but he absolutely loves and has gained the aggressiveness out on the field most of the time, but he is not that way by nature I think that it is passion, understanding, and the love of the game that drives him.

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