Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. My daughter was born on 1/6/07. She has colic BAD. The doctor thought it was GER (reflux - she spits up A LOT), but when babies have the symptoms: crying, gassy, etc... it is hard to tell whether it is colic or GER. I have tried Baby's Bliss Gripe Water - I found it at Whole Foods, however it smells like black licorice and I don't think Alison liked it very much, so I went on-line and ordered the apple flavor, just got it today. I also purchased Colic Ease today - ordered that on-line also. The first day I gave Alison Gripe Water it seemed to help... but then it also seemed not to help in the days to come, but I'll try anything to make her comfortable... and mylicon gas drops do not work at ALL.
Try swaddling her also... Alison LOVES being swaddled... she sleeps very well like that. I have the Happiest Baby on the Block CD, DVD and book... some of the stuff in there does work, but the CD did not help at all. But every baby is different and your baby may love the sounds on the CD. Alison also sleeps in a cradle swing next to our bed. That way she is not lying down she is a little bit on an incline... she would always cry laying flat in her crib or bassinet.
Good luck... everyone keeps telling me it gets better. I'll just have to wait and see.... take care!