Hi, K....
Boy do I feel your pain and frustration! 2 of my 3 children had colic...and one had it until she was 4 months!!
First and foremost...like they tell you on the plane with regard to the air mask, please take care of yourself first so that you are better able to care for your little one--ask hubby or neighbor to watch the baby long enough for you to take a walk/a drive/take a bath/read a few chapters of your favorite book/watch your favorite show in peace/call a friend...whatever will give you a much needed break. I wish I would have heeded this advice more seriously.
Next...here is what personally helped me and my little ones through:
1) In my humble opinion...You HAVE to get yourself the book or DVD, "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. It saved my life! Here is a little about what he teaches you: (The 5 “S’s”: the simple steps (swaddling, side/stomach position, shushing, swinging and sucking) that trigger the calming reflex. For centuries, parents have tried these methods only to fail because, as with a knee reflex, the calming reflex only works when it istriggered in precisely the right way. Unlike other books that merely list these techniques Dr. Karp teaches parents exactly how to do them, to guide cranky infants to calm and easy babies to serenity in minutes…and help them sleep longer too.)
2) As Dr. Harvey will tell you...SWADDLING is absolutely wonderful for a baby who is colicky. I swaddled the last baby every time I layed her down. The swaddlers that I did best with were: The First Years Easy Wrap Swaddlers, and The Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe blankets. They Miracle Blanket didn't work for me because it was too time consuming having to keep it wrapped snug enough. But, each person is different. This helped my third baby not even struggle with colic, because this time I KNEW to start her out swaddled and I let HER let me know when she was ready to not be swaddled, so when she started rolling onto her side, I would put her into her wedge while swaddled and we did that for a few more weeks and then she was ready to go without.
3) I could not have lived without my BabyBjorn...I would put them into the carrier and get a few things done and they were happier being right next to me. But, find the carrier that works best for you.
4) The GRIPE water really helped. I got mine from Fruitful Yield and even Walgreens has it now, I've been told.
5) I put a clock radio in their rooms and I would play 'static' from the radio on low to try and mimic that muffled sound they were hearing in the womb. You have to search around on the radio, as some static sounds better than another---and look for the one that sounds right to you.
6) Finally, due to health reasons, I was only able to breastfeed for so long, so I also had to work to find the formula that each baby did the best with--Carnation seemed to be a winner here. Also, I did notice that when I made sure they were going #2 regularly, that they were much happier babies--so with the last two, I added Udo's Infant Probiotics to their formula (I get it at Fruitful Yield) to help their digestive system. I would also try the Dark Corn Syrup now and then.
My final advice to you is to practice self-awareness...when I started this, it helped both me and my baby. When we are stressed, our babies feel that and it can cause them to feel stress. So, I would be sure to take deep breaths and be aware of the tension that was in my body because of the stress that I was feeling...so, as I would walk the floor with my little one that had colic the worst, I would breathe deeply and I would move through my body, one body part at a time (neck, shoulders, chest, arms, etc.), and I would tense it up and count to 10, and then release until I felt relaxed. I would also hum lightly or sing a little soothing song and before I knew it, we both felt much better!
May God bless you and your little one! Trust me when I say, this too shall pass! Please feel free to contact me should you need any further advice or have any questions about what I have shared, as I have surely "been there, done that!" and I believe we should all help one another through our own experiences. :)