My son was on Nutramigen and my daughter on Alimentum (after having poor results with Nutramigen) and they both did very well. If the symptoms of "colic" are due to a milk or soy allergy or protein intolerance the formula can be fantastic. If neither formula seems to make a big difference in alleviating the symptoms there is also Neocate (more expensive) but it also may be another underlying cause and not food related.
First off, one resource for purchasing the formula is on ebay. We bought ours that way for both children and usually paid between 16-18dollars a can. We usually got the ones that had 10cans or so to last a while. We had positive experiences purchasing this way about 95%of the time (once they sent the wrong formula and another was packaged poorly and was open when it arrived) read the feedback from others first!
As far as how long it takes to work... it can take a month for milk to leave your system (not sure about soy) and so it's possible, if milk is the cause of her discomfort, that it may take a little while for the formula to help. Some babies become different babies overnight. I'd expect to give it a week or two at least. That said, some babies do better on Alimentum and some on Nutramigen so you could also switch over to Nutramigen if Alimentum doesn't work in a while for you.
Another resource is going to a pediatric gastroenterologist. They can help assess if there are any reflux issues or digestive issues that may be physical instead of food related. And they can guide you through the food questions, too. I don't know how it works if you have insurance/health care with the military. We request a referral from our pediatrician.
If it's a problem digesting the milk or soy then that is something she can grow out of or at least do better with as her body grows and she is better able to tolerate it. If it is an allergy then it will depend. My daughter has outgrown hers (1yr old) and my son is much better but still has allergies to some (3yrs). Different for different people.
If food is the problem the formula won't suppress the symptoms it will fix the cause of the symptoms. Just like if you got sick every time you ate chocolate and you stopped eating chocolate and you were fine. And if you ate chocolate again you'd be sick again. If she is bothered by milk or soy and she eats something without it she may be great! Give her milk again and you'll probably see the symptoms again.
Like I said before, though, she may be ready for milk at age 1 if she outgrows it. You'll have to wait and see on that one.
If, however, the cause of her crying and other symptoms are not food related then you probably won't see her symptoms greatly alleviated with formula and you'll know to find other underlying causes for her pain. Again, I'd start with a gastroenterologist unless there are other symptoms you didn't mention.
Reflux is another common cause of the crying and pain in babies and some things that can help with that are keeping the baby upright at least 20 minutes after eating and having them sleep inclined. Some babies even sleep in their carseats. Not all babies with reflux actually spit up. They may just be having the problems in their chest/throat so you wouldn't be able to see that. I'm not trying to diagnose your baby :) just wanted to make sure you knew that reflux is another reason for the "colic" behavior.
I hope some of this makes sense. It is after 4am... I couldn't fall asleep again after my son fell out of bed. :)
Feel free to email me with questions. And good luck with everything. Having gone through the screaming/crying/bouncing/sleepless nights/dr appts/expensive formulas and many tears I know it can be a rough patch. If someone can come once or twice during the week for you to get a break while your husband's not home that would be great for you, too!!
As for the car. Ugh. I had a screamer and a sleeper at the age your baby girl is and they both stopped after a while. :) It does seem to help a lot when they get turned around but you have a while for that. I'll let someone else more successful in that dept. help you with that! Though if you can find music they love that can work wonders (some of my friends kids favorites = opera and Celine Dion) :) go figure.
Good luck!!