I had a boy best friend until I was in sixth grade. We spent the night together all the time. There was NEVER anything sexual. We were just kids having a good time. We did all the things I did on sleep overs with my girlfriends. I think people over react to this kind of stuff. We are such a highly sexualized society now. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. But, that's a whole different topic!!!! I say let him spend the night!!! If you are more comfortable, have them camp on the living room floor. Make a 'tent' with an old sheet, have them sleep in sleeping bags, you can even pop popcorn, make smores in the microwave and tell silly stories. They'll think it's a game. :) Let them be kids while they still can. Don't force sexuality on them until they are ready! They just want to be friends and love each other.