What did you pay for them? I would half that price plus shipping if you do it online.
I'm thinking about selling some of my red edge greenmountain prefolds since my little one is doing really well with the potty training but I have no clue what to ask for them. Any ideas on a price range? They are in good condition, still highly absorbent, have been used in rotation, rarely bleached, minimal staining. What do you cd mamas think? Thanks!
What did you pay for them? I would half that price plus shipping if you do it online.
I sold my orange edge Green Mountain diapers for $1.00 a piece. I have a friend that ordered some used ones from a diaper service and that's what they charged too.
I would check the FSOT sections on cloth diaper forums like Diaperswappers.com or Clothdiapernation.com. Be careful when visiting diaperswappers.com though because they have a lot of problems with viruses. I've had to stop going there for that very reason.
Hi! I use cloth too...I have sold the covers, but not considered selling the prefolds b/c mine were not in great condition by the time we were done :) . You could look on ebay to see what other people are selling them, or something similar for. That is where I always check!
GO to www.diaperswappers.com
It's a forum for buying, selling, and trading diapers. They have sections where you can ask about pricing and related issues. You can also sell them there, once you find a good price point.
You are so smart. You know, I never even thought of selling my diapers. I use them for cleaning rags :-) Your way of reusing is a lot better than mine :-)
Donate them to a local shelter. They will be greatly appreciated.