Chuck E Cheese Pizza

Updated on June 06, 2010
C.M. asks from Denton, TX
22 answers

Is the pizza at Chuck E Cheese good? My daughter has been asking to go for a while (a friend a school went and told her about it). I'm wondering if we should eat there or somewhere else and then go to Chuck E Cheese to play games. It just doesn't sound appetizing to me, but my mom is coming into town and said it would be fun to go.

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So What Happened?

Well, we never had time to visit CEC this weekend. However, I think we will plan a trip there next week to play games during the heat of the day (something to do). Probably won't eat there, though. From the comments posted it was just as I suspected :-)

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answers from New York on

i call CC the germ heaven. we had to go once for a birthday party, and i swore afterwards we will never step into one. pizza was very thick and didn't taste good. kids were thrilled to be there but 2 days later they got sick.
when mom visited maybe you guys could go to a park or a sandy area if there is one available where you live.
i personally dislike CC with passion
my kids would beg to differ.

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answers from Austin on

It's not the WORST pizza, but I've had frozen pizza that tastes better. If you go to their website, you can get coupons for 1 large pizza and 4 drinks with 30(or so) tokens for 19.99. Without the coupons it would run about 30 dollars. The tokens are .25$ each. I like to go (when it is 100000 degrees) in the morning and just play games with the kids. They open at 9:30.

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answers from San Diego on

I would eat somewhere else. Food is not good and its expensive for crappy food. Also go on there web site and you can print out coupons for tokens and food if you do decide to eat there. Have fun!

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answers from Boise on

The last time I went to CC there was a horendous smell of urine about the place, and surfaces were covered in a grease from all those kids eating greasy pizza and not washing it off before they run off to touch everything.

I literally, cound not stomache touching the bathroom door handle , it was so caked in food and grease. The place is a living petri dish.

My kids have been twice when young, for other people's birthday parties. We don't ever go there for ourselves. My kids have never asked , and I don't encourage them.

If you do break down and go- take the antibacterial wipes.

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answers from Orlando on

I would go somewhere to eat first, then go there to play games.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

If you have enough beer, it won't matter! LOL

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answers from Philadelphia on

Chuck E Cheese is one of those places that the kids love and parents suffer through. Certainly go and even eat there, because you love your kids and love to see them having a good time, but do not expect gourmet pizza (or even somewhat good pizza). We haven't been to one in YEARS and my 7 and 9yr old daughters STILL say "awwww Chuck E Cheese!! We LOOOOVED that place!!!" every time we pass one. Have fun!

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answers from Atlanta on

Most Pizza places sell nothing but garbage. Yes even the ones that claim to be healthful.

The best info you can get on Chuck E Cheese is

Since they are not listing ingredients on their website I can pretty much tell you it is probley not something you want to feed your child.

Take their answer on MSG I can tell you their response is most likely an outright lie because MSG can be called all sorts of things and contained in all sorts of ingredients, if they listed the ingredients you would be able to see this.

My advice go play games, maybe give them a piece of cheese pizza if they are starving, but eat somewhere else...

Hope this helps.

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answers from Chicago on

the pizza is ok. thats the best that can be said for it. now having said that. the salad bar is really good. the hot wings are really good and the dessert pizza is good.

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answers from Kansas City on

we were just at the one in our town last husband and i both got salad bar (which was surprisingly good) and my son got a personal pizza - it was not much better than frozen, imo. we had a much better time with the games, i was impressed that each game only costs 1 token. i didn't have a problem with it being too gross - but i did go on a weekday. it probably depends on which one you go to, also. hth!

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answers from Houston on

Being from Chicago my husband and I are pizza snobs. We have yet to find anything close to a good pizza since moving to Texas 5 years ago. That being said we actually found Chuck E. Cheese to be ok. It's far from great pizza but it's as edible as any other chain down here. We only bought enough for the kids since we assumed we wouldn't like it but we each had a piece and were surprised.

That being said if you have another restaurant that you all love go there first and then just go to play at Chuck E. Cheese.

Addition: I'm sure every location is different but ours was as clean as, if not cleaner, then any restaurant that caters to families and kids. I was actually surprised with all of the kids eating greasy pizza and playing games at how clean they did keep it.

Good luck,

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answers from New London on

I never thought I would go to Chuck E cheese but we took our son there for his 3rd birthday and he loved it. the look in his face was totally worth the horrible food. He liked the pizza, but it is worse than cafeteria pizza. Very dry, barely any sauce or cheese. It is cardboard that they stick in the oven and serve to kids. But he didn't seem to mind. Go, have fun, you don't need a lot of tokens, we bought way too many but will use them later. But if you are starving the food may taste better. ;) They do also have sandwiches but we only got the wings and pizza.

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answers from Washington DC on

Our Chuck E. Cheese here in VA is GREAT!!!

Our CEC has a GREAT salad bar and offers great pizza. We've had numerous parties there and our friends stay and eat too.

My husband likes it too because they server beer! :)

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answers from New York on

I used to work there when I was a teenager. The pizza isn't wonderful, but kids seem to absolutely love it. There are personal size pizzas for the kids if you don't want to eat it too. They have other food, like sandwiches, buffalo wings.etc. Like the others have said, not the best food, but its more about the experience sometimes. They also put some buttery stuff on the crust to make kids want to eat it, which makes it less healthy but it's already junk food pizza. There is also a salad bar in most of the restaraunts.
From working there, I actually enjoyed the pizza. Everyone has their own taste. I call it fake pizza (I live in the NY city area), but its at level with Ellio's pizza and Bagel bites in my opinion.

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answers from Minneapolis on

To adults the pizza's pretty unappetizing. Kids seem to think it is fine. But they are there to play the games anyway and probably wouldn't care if they ate at CeC or elsewhere.

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answers from Cincinnati on

hi -
depending on the age of your kids Dave and busters is another game place. It's not cheap, but it has a variety of games and good food at their restaurant

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answers from Houston on

I think it is really going to depend on the place you go. The pizza at ours is's not something that I crave but I have no problem eating it. My son is 31 months and we take him there to play husband and I also play the games so it is fun for the family.

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answers from Davenport on

Pizza is eatable, that is all I can say about it. It's not the greatest, but the kids usually like it.

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answers from Dallas on

I like the pizza at Chuck E it may be a matter of what your expectation is....or getting a fresh pizza. I didn't have any complaints and I love love love pizza....

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answers from Dallas on

I have started taking my boys there just to play, then grabbing something else on the way home (like cheap Little Ceasar's pizza). I don't like th CEC pizza, it's like cardboard imo. But the kids have fun playing. Plus, if you go in the middle of the afternoon not during a mealtime it isn't as crowded.

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answers from Dallas on

We just went there 2 weeks ago for a birthday and the pizza was really really good. Everyone was commenting on how the pizza has improved.

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answers from Minneapolis on


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