This is my philosophy: When one is a part of a family one has both responsibilities and rewards. Parents earn money, if working outside the home, in the form of a wage and if as an at home parent by sharing the wage earner's salary. So it is with children. They have the responsibility of helping with chores and receive an allowance because they are a part of the family. Chores and allowance go together. I didn't pay for individual chores. Those chores are a part of making the family work.
I might pay for doing something extra but I can't think of anything appropriate at this age. At an older age it might be doing something that I would otherwise pay another adult to do such as pruning the bushes. It would require that they do some research and learn how to do the job. Or when I'd always paid to have the lawn mowed to give the job to my child when they were old enough to do it for me.
One of my daughter's babysitters would pay her a quarter to do small things for her. My daughter was 7 or 8. She said that she did this so that she could feel the success of earning money. If you want to pay your daughters for doing something you could pick some chores for which they would be paid. Any chore that's age appropriate would be appropriate for pay.
Or are you asking what chores are appropriate for what age? I have seen lists in books. What I go by is if they are able to do the chore safely once they've been taught how to do it, then it's age appropriate. A common sense approach.
Supervising your daughter while she does the laundry sounds like teaching her to share in family responsibities. But once she is able to safely and in an acceptable way do the laundry then you could choose to pay her for that chore. If you choose to pay her then she can choose to not do the chore. Do the chore and you're paid. Don't do the chore and you're not paid and you are also not in trouble.
I've heard the suggestion of having a list of chores for which you're paid and a list that are just required because you are a family member. That just seemed to difficult to keep track of for me. I definately believe that a child should not be paid for each chore that they do. After all the parents are not paid for the chores that they do.