My children (ages 7, 4 and 2) all have a chore chart. My 2 year old has to pick up 2 items and put it away to get a sticker. My 4 year old has other things on it, but let's go to the 7 year old, who is closer in age to your child (and has had the chore chart since she was 5.)
There are things on the chore chart that she does not get paid for, but if she doesn't do them then she loses privileges... those are the everyday things like clean room, bathroom trash, cleaning windows (this is a weekly item but she doesn't get paid for it) and clear dishes from the table. Then there are a few items that are extra... things I don't expect her to do, but if she does them then it benefits both of us... like actually doing a load of laundry from start to finish, doing dishes from start to finish (although I still put them away), vacuuming and mopping... the chart changes a few times a year, where items from the extra list move up to the required list, and sometimes things will come off the list and "magically" appear on the younger children's lists.
I tell my children that they have to do things from the required list everyday, but if they drop below 5 days of everyday chores then they begin to lose privileges, such as no bike riding for a week, no computer for a week... I have a "scale" for each child so if they only do 4 days of chores then he/she loses X, if only 3 days of chores are done then X and Y are lost. The possible loses are listed/pictured on the chart so they know exactly what will happen. So they start with all of the privileges and lose them if they don't do them.
For the extras where my 7 year old can earn money... some extras are listed and there are spaces below so if she decides to do something not on the list then I can add it. She starts with $5 and loses money should she choose to not do anything extra. Extras I give her 3 days... if she doesn't do anything extra for the week, she only gets $2.
Since at this age I allow my kids a couple of days where they don't have to do most chores they get to choose what days to do the chores. So if my 7 year old has an activity planned on Friday, she may choose to work her chores around that day so she isn't quite so busy Friday. So I incorporate the calendar onto the chore chart for the kids. My 7 year old has learned time management from this.
There are a few nuances that I didn't list, but this is basically what we do. It has worked well for us... and the younger children LOVE putting their stars/stickers onto the chart! And my 7 year old likes having some control over what and when she does something.
Sorry this is so long... HTH