First off, don't put him on sounds to me like he might have a problem with ADD. If so, this seems to be something that he will have for life and to put him on medication will only postpone the fact that he will have to learn to deal with this problem later on. I suggest, and this takes hard work on your part, that you make sure his life is very structured. Get up and go to bed at a certain time, eat meals at a certain time, teaching him basic organizational skills is very important!, Remember to have him bring home books from school each night. Most kids say they have no homework, but they always do. Homework may only consist of going over what they did in school, but also getting ready for tomorrow's lessons. Maybe if he has reviewed the next days lessons he will feel more comfortable in getting it done the next day. Also BRIBES work. You may call them rewards or whatever, but everyday that he doesn't get in trouble at school and finishes his work, give him a star or whatever and at the end of the week (or whatever works best for you) give him an extra treat that he normally would not get. Most of all, and trust me, from my own experience, I know that this can seem like a minor problem in the lower grades, but as he progresses in school and in life, it can make the difference in whether he finishes school or in successful in life. It is sooooo very important to help him at this age. In little things like his papers, clothes, toys, help him to keep things organized. Get him a calender and help him keep track of different things, i.e., Sunday school, school days, visits to Granny, etc., each of these things will help him.
You do sound like a very beautiful and loving mother. That is one asset that many children lack through no fault of their own. Just remember YOU are the most important person in this baby's life. Good luck