Hi A.,
Since you've ruled out physical illness. You can try a few things:
- You might try confining her to a room or small section of the house to force her to use the litter box and break the pattern. This small area may make her more secure and less anxious too. Visit her often for play, etc. Make sure everything that has been peed on is cleaned very well (lots of vinagar) and professionally cleaned if possible. If they can smell the spot they may go again there. Do this for several weeks, then let her out supervised and gradually increase the time out if no accidents. I know this is a pain, but you need to break the pattern then give her more and more access for good behavior. Scolding, yelling, smelling the spot does not work with cats and will make them more anxious. So as hard as it is be loving.
- Play with her in the places she has peed, using toys and catnip, they usually won't pee where they play and have fun. Close off rooms that are primarily your husbands.
- You can also try feeding her in those places as well. Since cats are so clean, she won't want to eat where she has peed. And have your husband participate.
- I'm also wondering, does she like the dog? Since she is 2 1/2 when did this start? What's new to the picture that wasn't there before the peeing. If your husband has always been around, this may not be the problem. This is a tough problem that I've had a couple of friends encounter and one of them ended up finding an older single woman who wanted to adopt her cat and things worked out wonderfully for the woman and the cat as the calm household was better. The other friend ended up letting her cat go outside and inside which I hate, because there is too much that can happen to them especially if they are declawed. However the cat does great now and doesn't pee on her husbands stuff anymore.
good luck, K.