I agree with some other posters. Write the chores you expect your son to do down. Plus add a time limit to when they need to be done by. At our house the rule is no tv,computer, phone, friends over or going anywhere until the chores are done. Each of my 5 children had 3-5 chores a day Mon. thur Fri. no chores on the weekends. This was there job, just like my husband and i have jobs. They did not get paid for this. There was a list of chores they could do for money if they choose to.
I am a step mom, my husband is a step dad. We spent many years fighting and feeling like we had to stand up for our child against the other parent until we seperated. WE spent 2 years in counseling on our own and togethter before we reconciled. What we both learned from that was even if we did not agree with the other parent we needed to shut up and take it up in a private place. If that meant we had to go for a ride for it to be private we learned to do that. We also learned that as soon as we stopped argueing in front of our kids over who was right and who was wrong there was alot less fighting between us and our respective step children.
My therapist told me straight up if I fought with hubby and took my childs side against him I was splitting my family into us against them. That I needed to sit down in private with hubby and go over what I expected from the children mine and his and then listen to what he expcected. We have posters all over our kitchen wall with written out rule for how we expect to be treated. How we expect chores to be done. ex: A clean bedroom is! and then what we thought clean meant. broken down step by step ex: bed made, toys in toybox etc.
We still fight sometimes but it is lots better.