Bumkins All-In-One Diaper with Diaper Inserts

Updated on December 09, 2008
A. asks from Plano, TX
5 answers

My sister-in-law is planning on using cloth diapers for twin boys due in March and we'd like to know from other moms their first hand experiences with the Bumkin bamboo all-in-one diapers. We would also love to know which cloth diapers other mommas love and recommend for boys. Thanks! =)

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answers from Dallas on

I've never really liked all-in-ones, mostly because they take so much longer to dry than other diapers.

I love Kissaluvs for newborns, but prefolds were really my workhorse diapers when they were little and changing sizes so frequently. As they got older I moved over to pocket diapers like Fuzzibunz, and we've been happy with those.


answers from Dallas on

I have used Prefolds the best for new borns with prorap covers and kissaluvs they don't leak ata ll.
I also did Fuzzi bunz with my kids as they get older.

I used cloth on 2 kids Not twins through it was really good and once you get a routine down it works very well.
Good luck an dhave her Pm me if she has any questions



answers from Dallas on

I hope your sister will have a lot of help if she plans to wash tons of diapers in between changing two babies regularly. I have 2 sets of twins and we used disposables. Please don't misunderstand, I am not being judgmental; it's just that I had no idea what I was in for when I had my first set of twins and the amount of work and lack of sleep involved can be overwhelming. Anything that can be done to be organized and to minimize work during the early months can be a lifesaver. If your sister lives near a twin mom's support group, she should really think about joining. In plano, there is www.pamom.org.


answers from Dallas on

Hi A.,
I'm not too big on the all in ones. They seemed to always wick wetness onto my son's clothes. Yuck. On the other hand, the prefold with nylon covers are awesome. All you need to do is get some experience pinning or get some cool little things called Snappi's to keep them on.
Best Regards,



answers from Dallas on

Not sure where your SIL lives, but diaper service is great for the first few months while getting used to all that is involved with a baby. If you use our service, she'll also be able to borrow several different kinds of diapers to see what she likes. Let me know if I can help you at all!


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