Broken bones really stink!
Sounds like you didn't fiddle around and do it just half way. :)
It's hard to say how long your healing time might take. If your own doctor can't give you a pretty good answer yet, I don't know how we can. You just have to try to be patient and do everything your doctor tells you to give yourself the best chance to heal more quickly.
I feel for you. I broke my right leg and it took forever to heal. I couldn't drive at all for the longest time.
I separated my shoulder, but I kept telling the doctors that my arm hurt halfway between the shoulder and elbow. I mean, it REALLY, really hurt. They thought I had a rotator cuff injury that wouldn't show up on regular x-rays so they scheduled me for an MRI. That took weeks. Then, nobody called me after it was done no matter how many times I called and left messages so I assumed everything was fine. Although, I was still in a lot of pain. No pain meds, either. I figured I didn't need them if nothing was wrong.
A couple of months later, I had to go to the doctor for something else and asked, since I was there, if I could see my MRI results.
They weren't in my chart.
So the doctor went out for a while.
He came back in white as a ghost.
The MRI showed that my humerus was broken. No one ever told me.
It didn't heal right so now I don't know what they're going to do.
I'm in no hurry to put myself through what you just went through.
Maybe someone on here had pretty much the same injury that you did and can give you an idea of what you're facing. Everybody heals so differently though. It sounds like you have a really good doctor as far as getting you taken care of right away. That's half the battle for sure!
Hang in there!
I wish you blessings and a speedy recovery!