My son broke his leg twice and you couldn't really see evidence of the fractures until they healed. We just assumed it was broken (cracked, not all the way across) b/c he refused to put any weight on his foot. The MD said it was probably broken even though we couldn't see it. For the record, we did go to his primary, but since the MD couldn't see anything, she said take him to Gillette in St. Paul, which has exceptions orthopedics (kinda like going to Mayo Clinic)
He wore a splint for 3 weeks, but then rebroke it soon after we took it off, so we decided on a cast for two months. Excessive, but I really wanted it to heal. It was during the summer, so no swimming, but we worked around it.
So it's very possible it is broken, but until you see the thicker bone and shading in the xray after it heals, you won't be able to tell. Frankly, is the MD blew you off, you might consider another opinion.
Good luck!! And I once dislocated a little girl's arm (she had nursemaid's elbow). I felt soo bad!!!