Well G. i had my oldest breech and she never turned but i was able to avoid a c-section. All i did was hold on to my kitchen counter tops and squat down and i would do it up and down for at least 15 to 20 three times a day . Depending on the estimated weight of your baby it is still possible to have it natural even if he or she is still in the breech position , ask your doctor if this will or could be possible . I tried all kinds of things to get my daughter to turn but no go it was the way she wanted to enter the world she has never had any problems . My oldest sister gave birth to her 24 yr old daughter breech along time ago and there was nothing they told my sister she could do . I myself besides the squating thing but i walked alot . So just ask lots of questions to your dr they should have things for you to do. Best of luck to you .J.