Do not be scared - be confident and calm! A calm mommy makes for easier milk let down and an easier nurser.
Nurse soon after delivery (even if by c-section). Unswaddle the baby and have plenty of skin to skin contact. Nurse on demand and as often as the baby wants (AT LEAST every 2 hrs). Have the pediatrician check for a short frenulum (tongue tie) while in the hospital if nursing seems painful or the baby seems to fuss a lot at the breast.
I highly recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby nipple butter before you deliver and after each feeding for the first few weeks of life. I think it is far superior to Lansinoh and I know many doulas who use it.
Join a boobie-moms club (feel free to join ours on facebook - Cape Cod Breastfeeding Moms). They offer a wealth of support and help and have an amazing group of ladies (some even nurse exclusively on one breast because they survived cancer, some nurse toddlers and newborns at the same time, some exclusively nurse twins - till they are almost 2!!!).
And, I suggest reading the breastfeeding pages on, especially the Tips page and Myths page (I will link below).
You have superpowers!!! Be confident and find other LONG TERM nursing moms (join our nutty group!)
Here is the myth's page:
Here is the Tips Page: