I had an epidural with my second and went on to successfully breastfeed my daughter for 12.5 months. We only stopped then because a subsequent pregnancy dried up my milk :-(
(as an aside, I had the third in a birth tub in my house and imo, that worked much better for pain control than the epidural!)
If you want your breastfeeding relationship to be successful, here are the things to keep in mind.
1. Nurse often. Every time the n00b opens his mouth to squawk, stick a boob in it. That will bring your milk supply to where it needs to be.
2. No bottles and no binkies, especially in the hospital. No formula! Any ounce of formula you give can negatively affect your supply.
3. No circumcision. Not only is it cruel and medically unnecessary, it can also fubar a new breastfeeding relationship.
As an aside, mama, on the subject of epidurals, I wouldn't hang your hopes on them, so to speak. I know they give some women really great births. I know, for me, and other women, they didn't work that well and actually made them worse. I'm not saying, 'don't use an epidural'. If that's what you want, go for it! I'm just saying, be mentally prepared that it might not offer everything you hope, and have a few other tricks up your sleeve!