Boobies work on supply and demand and just because your breasts feel empty, doesn't mean they are. Make sure you don't have blocked ducts either (they will feel like marbles under your armpits or a hard lump somewhere on your breast). That can slow your milk.
I would say to make sure you nurse on demand and frequently. Many mother's who are great milk producers can't pump well, but that doesn't mean they don't have plenty of milk. Their bodies just are not fooled so easily.
Any many, many babies go through spurts around 2 months (and 4 and 6) where they seem to nurse non stop. It does not mean you do not have enough milk, it just means your child is instinctively nursing a lot to increase your supply. The Fenugreek can help, but it can also flavor your milk, so don't over use.
And never forget - wet nurses of Europe were allowed to nurse SEVEN children at once. We only doubt ourselves because of savvy formula marketing and many, many myths. Doubting yourself and worrying can actually effect your milk supply by making it harder for your milk to come down. Just say to yourself, "I have plenty and it is a growth spurt". Relax and enjoy her and I bet your milk will flow faster.
If you are really worried, you can usually rent a baby scale. Weight her after EVERY feeding (since no one feeding is a good judge of how much she is getting). See what she averages (but make sure you are relaxed and confident when you nurse). My guess is that she IS in fact getting plenty. And when you think you are "out of milk", squeeze just behind your nipple and see if you get milk coming out (a drip or a squirt). If you are, she is also!
PS - beware of binkies - they can reduce your milk supply.