You've already received some great advice, I just have a couple things to add:
Hopefully you have a nice pump (like Medela) instead of a manual pump. That makes a HUGE difference!! If you don't, look into renting or purchasing one. This will help you reach your goal of nursing for the first year!
You can try pumping AFTER you nurse to up the stimulation. If the baby nurses for 10 minutes, I would pump for another 10 minutes. It's true that the baby is so much more efficient than the pump, but the extra stimulation should help. The experts say you have more milk in the morning, so that's the best time to pump.
I have also heard that if you spend a weekend with baby in bed - relaxing, sleeping and nursing on demand - this will up your production. Sleep is very important, but definitely hard to get enough of when you have an infant!!
Give the Fenugreek or Mother's Milk tea a try. I have tried Fenugreek in the past, and it seemed to help me. I've also heard from girlfriends who tried the tea, and they said it helped.
Drink lots of water, eat a balanced diet (lots of small meals throughout the day - sometimes moms forget to do this and blow off meals, but that can have a negative effect on your milk production), and try not to stress too much! Stress can definitely be a factor to whether or not you supply enough milk to baby.
Good luck and way to go!!!