This happened with my first child when I went back to work when she was 3 months old. You aren't the only one. This happens a lot. My daughter would nurse in the morning before I went to work and literally refused to eat all day until I picked her up from day care at 3:30pm. When we would get home, she would nurse instantly and then nurse constantly until bed time. My husband was with her from 7am-12pm and then she went to daycare until 3:30, so I would call my husband everday and he was practically in tears because our daughter would just scream and scream. He'd offer the bottle and she'd start to suck and get mad and quit. We tried 12 different bottle nipples and she finally took the playtex one.
I took her to the pediatrician and he said she will eat, she won't let herself starve and to just wait it out. It was hard and I cried a lot, but it did pass after about 1 and a half weeks.
My husband and I were so glad that I was able to be a SAHM when our second one came along because we were so fearful of that situation again.
I know that this is going to be a hard time for you, but you will get through it. Good luck!