I did the same thing and had the same problem. Well, I guess, have the same problem. I waited until about 2 months to try a bottle. I wish I hadn't let the lactation consultants scare me into doing that. It makes it REALLY hard to go out. My son gets really excited when he sees a bottle, but just because everything is a chew toy to him lately. He won't drink from it.
Then, a week ago, I had to get a wisdom tooth pulled and I couldn't breastfeed for 8 hours after having the anesthetics. The first feeding, he skipped because he wouldn't take the bottle. Cried himself to sleep. When he woke up, he was so hungry, he was hysterical. Cried for a little bit, but figured out how to suck from the bottle and drank the whole thing. He took the bottle, no problem, for the next feeding. Unfortunately, I think "starving" is the only way to convince them - they just prefer the breast. Either that, or just keep trying, every feeding. The problem is, if you only try a bottle for a few minutes and then resort to breastfeeding, they figure it out. They decide to hold out until what they really want is offered. If it's really important for him to take a bottle, then after that first initial "starved" bottle, keep offering bottles. Every feeding. Maybe that will work? (It just got to be too much of an effort for me, to work toward the bottle. Breastfeeding doesn't last too long, in the scheme of things. I'll just stick it out.)