Breast Milk Storage Bags Leaking!

Updated on July 29, 2011
S.T. asks from Denver, CO
7 answers

I have been using the Lansinoh bags, (every mom in the world recommended them to me) the first couple boxes I had were great. They were durable and said "My mommy's milk" on them. I bought the same brand bags a couple weeks ago, but these seems to be made of a different material, it's a little stiffer and more "plastic-y" and they say "mother's milk" on them -- and every other time we thaw out the frozen milk in these bags, THEY LEAK!!! I loved the first ones but I don't know where to find them. I looked at ordering them on Amazon, but how do I know if they are the older version of the product? I'm thinking of switching brands. Any other recommendations for good storage bags? They need to be durable, and not leak!! Also a thicker material. I've tried the Medela brand and don't like those, I like the double seal feature. Thanks for your help moms!

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answers from Denver on

Never had the problem with the gerber ones. Consistently had a few from each Lanisoh box that leaked. One time I even went to pour 6 ounces in only to have a total hole in the bottom of one and 6 ounces wasted on the kitchen floor before even attempting to freeze it. Buy the gerber even if they cost more. You work hard for that milk

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answers from Tampa on

I think gerber makes a brand of them too... it's been so long since I used any that I don't really remember.

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answers from Wichita on


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answers from York on

I had this issue from time to time too when I thawed my breastmilk. I can't say 100% what the brand of the bags were but I think mine were Lansinoh since that is what I used mostly. I got very upset when it happened because I had trouble with my milk supply so every drop was like liquid gold to me. I like Missy F.'s idea of the ziplock bag backup and will keep that in mind when I have to pump, freeze and thaw for #2.

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answers from Phoenix on

Two years ago, I had that problem with a few batches of Lansinoh bags, but I called the company and they sent me replacement boxes. I still use the Lansinoh bags, since they're the only ones I like. I haven't had a problem with any of the new ones this time. Just in case, I thaw my milk in a clean ziplock bag, so if it does leak I'm not wasting milk. Also, how are you freezing them-do you lay them flat somewhere in your freezer or use a storage box? I think my bags were getting tiny tears from being pinched in the storage box, so I stopped stuffing my storage box so full and haven't seen a leak. I did have a bag leak that I had just laid flat in my freezer. When I pulled it out, it had stuck to the things I laid it on and was hard to pick up and that stressed one of the seams enough to cause a leak. I'd stick with the Lansinoh bags, call them for replacements and use a ziplock as back-up. Good luck!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

More and more problems are coming to light abut plastics leaching chemicals, especially when heated. I'm now years past the breastfeeding/pumping stage, but I wonder... Would it be possible to pump directly into the short glass baby bottles, leave a little head room for expansion, then freeze the milk in the glass bottles themselves?



answers from Madison on

Call the company and complain!

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