I saw it, it sold out every show here in Austin. I thought is was hilarious. I wanted to learn more about the Mormon religion, just to see if the outrageous claims were true. The things I looked up, are true, which really shocked me.
I used to be Catholic, looking at it now from the outside, I see it for what it really is. I recall my love of the ceremony, the smells, the comradery, But It is also a pretty far out there religion if you are not Catholic.
I remember I had tons of friends friends that were Baptist, their Parents would not allow their children to come to our church, but I went to their churches. They were frightened by the whole idea of the Catholic services.
Nunsense, Sister Act.. are comedies about the Catholic religion. I think they are hilarious too.
And yes, We commented that the Mormon Church was very clever, there were at least 2 maybe more ads in the programs, encouraging people to learn more about being Mormon.