Hi P. - Unless there are other underlying issues, this is a relatively simple fix.
Remember - for the first few years, especially at 1 and 2, children can only comprehend as many words as their age.
So - all you need to do is this: Step in immediately. Loud and clear, very authoritative, say, "NO BITING". Then remove your child from the situation. Step away from him and don't give him any more attention OR WORDS.
Period. Severe enough for him (her?), nothing too drastic or abusive.
Try it. It will work because: 1) they hate to displease you, and 2) they hate to be removed.
Next, when he reacts more appropriately next time, go over, kind of casually, but deliberately, and give him big praise! Nice Job! Good boy! Something like that. And step out.
But remember, 2 words. More than 2 gets lost... And he has no idea the meaning of "that hurts and we don't hurt our friends" Who cares about all that right now? This is about appropriate behavior and physical violence is never acceptable.