Best Tank Tops?

Updated on December 13, 2011
S.B. asks from Omaha, NE
10 answers

I frequently wear tank tops under hoodies, or tops that are too low cut. (I occasionally wear them by themselves in the summer.) I used to buy Old Navy tanks exclusively and they fit great and stayed put. Over the past 2 or 3 years, they've changed the style and while I love the added length, the new style tanks pull on me exposing my bra! ...and I'm not just talking about the straps, they pull exposing the cups!! Anyway, I've tried a few others--Victoria's Secret, J.Crew, etc. and have the same problem. I'm a 34DD so I need something that covers, yet STAYS in place. I'm willing to pay a little extra to get quality--any suggestions???

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So What Happened?

Thanks mamas!! I went to and found the Mossimo Long & Lean tanks on sale for $6 (AND they were Buy one, get one 50% off) so I got 6 tanks for $27! I started with the basics, but plan to add others later if they work for me. I'm very hopeful that they will be just what I'm looking for...and at a great price!!! I haven't bought clothes from Target in YEARS--never would have thought to buy there, but so glad that I asked! :)

Featured Answers



answers from Los Angeles on

I never shop at target for clothes but I needed a red tank top to go under something and I bought a "Mossimo Long and Lean Tank" for 8 dollars there. Ended up going back to buy 5 more in every color they had! They are great and are 5 % spandex instead of 1-2 % like a lot of others so they don't stretch out all weird at the bottom. For 8 dollars you can't beat it

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More Answers


answers from Los Angeles on

Totally agree w/ the Mossimo long and lean tanks! I probably have 10 and consider them a staple of my wardrobe now.

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answers from Phoenix on

Mossimo tanks are great. I wanted to add, I wear an H cup & they still work for me . So, I'm sure you would be fine, also.

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answers from Honolulu on

Well, I don't have your cup size but I love the ones from kohls. They have a shelf bra in them and also have the length I like.


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answers from Seattle on

I love love love the long and lean ones at target! They're only $8 and come in many different colors, sometimes florals, stripes, etc. they were on sale for only $6 yesterday! I wear them daily under hoodies as well, they hold up really well, and they're long so tall, big busted women won't be showing midriff :) old navy did change theirs, I used to love them too, now they feel cheaper and stretch out a lot..

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answers from San Antonio on

Good question! I am a 34A and have the same problem with the Old Navy tanks - showing the top of my cup! Looks like so far, I'll be making a trip to Target or Kohls soon.

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answers from Honolulu on

Calvin Klein?

I use Old Navy too.
some are really low scoop necks.



answers from Indianapolis on

Love Buckle's long tank to wear under stuff. Tight fitting and long so it shows under things. The only thing is they are the "spaghetti" strap kind so I don't wear them by themselves. I'm getting too old for that look...



answers from St. Cloud on

I LOVE the tanks from Express. The quality surpasses others that I've tried. They're cotton but they have stretch in them. They cost $20 a piece but I usually try to buy when they have the BOGOne half off. I've had years when money was tight and I'd wear the same white one a few times a week and it would last close to a year before needing replacing. I can't relate on your cup size though, so that might throw things off. Also, they have tons of colors and some with lace and some just plain.


answers from Dayton on

I was going to suggest the Target ones too!
Love 'em! ;)

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