For a listing of terrific local products and services check out the website for Northwest Enterprising Moms. (
As you might guess from the name, this is a group that supports and promotes businesses by Northwest moms. The group includes a wide range of companies offering baby-related products and services, from boutiques that specialize in teaching about babywearing and cloth diapering to some big name brand products you've seen in all the shops.
Every single member company is owned and run by a mom who lives here in the Pacific Northwest. Each spring and fall NWEM hosts a baby expo where you can shop, hear speakers, shmooze and just hang out and shmooze at a big, free playspace with other moms, expecting moms and babies. Details on the next event will go up on the website in August.
All the mom/owners are very supportive and in addition to telling you about their own businesses, will be able to point you in any direction your research takes you. Good luck!