When my kids were in Kindergarten, they got homework too.
It was homework, that would take only like 5-10 minutes at most, to do. It was not, some complicated demanding rocket scientist homework. It was, age and grade appropriate. It was not like, the kid had to do it 100% perfect or anything. It is mostly, to teach a child about habits/responsibility/routine, and showing comprehension and "remembering" what was taught. Via homework, the Teacher also can gauge each child and progress etc.
And it is prepping, for 1st grade.
Don't get too stressed about it.
In Kindergarten a Teacher knows, that this grade is also about learning habits of learning. Because, in Kindergarten, there is a WIDE range of abilities or socialization, because kids either have had Preschool or did not. And in Kindergarten, a Teacher is also teaching basic skills of behavior, listening to direction, socialization, how to problem solve simple conflicts, and how to actually do "work" via being cued, being given verbal and written directions etc.
So, per homework, it is not like a kid has to be 100% spot on. And IF a child is not completing ALL homework, then fine. That way, the Teacher knows each child and can gauge them. Per overall, performance. It is not just about being a robot. It is largely a prep... for the next grade and in FORMING habits, for "school" and being taught the overall behavioral/academic and social, realms. And that schools have rules and a curriculum and subjects. Because, in Kindergarten... a child is NOT adept at "school" yet. And this is their first formal experience... in an Elementary, school. It is a big difference from Preschool.
Kindergarten is like a training... for teaching a child about "school" and giving the child a foundation.
Anyway, per homework, a kid is generally TIRED from their long day at school. They were "working" all day at being directed and at concentrating ALL day. . When they come home, they are spent. They NEED to DEFLATE. To relax. To unwind. IF you have them do homework, AS soon as they come home, they won't want to do it.
But then, if you wait TOO long, to do homework, then it just gets harder... because it is being dragged out. Procrastinated.
So with my kids, since they were in Kindergarten, I let them unwind after school and hang out and do nothing. And I give them a hearty snack. Because, at school, their last meal (lunch) was HOURS before school got out. Kids need to eat, after school. They are spent. Their system is empty. They are hungry. They need, food to feed their brain too. They are exhausted.
Then after that, like 1/2 hour later, my kids do homework. And even when they were in Kindergarten, it was fine. It was a REGULAR routine.
They knew it. I knew it. It was done. It was a routine.
They knew it because I explained it... to them. I told them, you worked hard at school, you need to eat to think, your last meal was HOURS ago, you just came home from school and deserve to relax and hang out even if it is doing nothing. Then after that, you can do your homework. I explained, to my kids. And since they started Elementary school, that has been the routine. Every school year. And it is fine. I have a boy and girl. And it works with both of them.
I explain to my kids, what the expectations are, what responsibility is, that I know they need to unwind, then getting to homework is better doing it now... than putting it off. Once its done. It is DONE. And they can do other things after that. It does not make them hate school. They know it is work. This is school. I don't bribe them with candy or treats. Teachers work hard at teaching them...so being respectful also means, trying their best and doing their homework and learning. Too. And that is what a Student, is.