Behavior at School

Updated on May 15, 2010
A.S. asks from San Francisco, CA
4 answers

Principal call me from my sons school to let me know that there was a problem at school about a laptop stolen, my son has never take anything from anywhere or anybody, but it happended to be that he foundthe laptop in the garden of the school, I have not talk to him yet, this just happened today. I am very worried about it , there has been other types of problems with his behavior lately, like missing homework ,being distracted and and distracting others in the class, this started around february.
I have been struggling with money and sometimes we did not have any food in the fridge this is been happening since january
and I think this is disturbing my sons life somehow, I don't want to give an excuse for what he's doing, I don't really know if he took the laptop i will talk to him tonight but i need some advise and help if it happen that he did do it how do I handle this situation?

I am sorry, i forgot my son is 11 years old.


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answers from Columbus on

I would suggest that you call the school guidence counselor and tell her what is going on with your family right now. The counselor may be able to help you find resources so that there is alway food for your son, that is part of what they do. He will be distracted if he is hungry and worred about the whole situation, and he is probably worried about you too.

If he had anything to do with the laptop being stolen, then he also brought it back, which means he knows right from wrong and felt badly. If he did not have anything to do with it, and you trust him and he says he just found it, then stand up for him and defend him to the principal, and if they have any other evidence that it was your son, listen respectfully. Just use your best judgement.

What ever happens, make the contact with people who can make sure that your son always has breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are there to help you!


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answers from Kansas City on

You haven't said how old your son is. As for being without food, I can see how that could cause him to want to take somethings. I'm not saying he did take it. Hopefully, this is a misunderstandng.

The bigger problem is making him feel secure. There are food pantries and organizations that can help. Is he coming home after school and spending any time alone? I would hate for him to come home and be without food for hours until you are able to come home and bring dinner home.

Talk to the school without him and tell them that although you know there's a chance he has done this, you MUST give him the benefit of the doubt and stick up for him while you are with him. It's so important that our children believe we are there for them and trust them. GAWWW... I hate situations like this. You are darned if you do and darned if you don't. Just stand by him because the school will do what they will do.

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answers from San Francisco on

My heart goes out to you. We never want to think our children have done something like this, but it doesn't do them any good for us to be in denial. If you're struggling for money to the point of not having enough food, your son may have taken the laptop thinking he could sell it for money to help your financial situation. i think you need to try to be understanding but firm in telling him no matter what, it is never okay to take something that doesn't belong to you. I'm sure a lot of his problems at school are due to the stressful situation at home. You need to talk to his teacher and counselor and let them know what the situation is so they can try to help.



answers from San Francisco on

Just continue to be supportive and kind to your child. If the laptop has been returned, all I would suggest that you say kindly to him that I am so glad that we returned the laptop. The person who lost it must have been so anxious about it. It feels good to be able to help and make someone happy. He himself learn the value of your message. And if you are in San Francisco, I highly recommend that you get following books from the library:
-Smart Love by Martha and William Piper
- Discover your child's learning style by Marriamma Willis/Virginia(check name)


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